Health & Safety Site coordination

Coordination of a site in terms of occupational safety and health, represents empowering the general principles of prevention and protection as well as ensuring workers safety on a construction site for the whole duration of their activity, starting from the design phase until the completion of works.

MANAGEMENT FORCE S.R.L., through experience gained over the years, being involved in high complexity building projects and by having personnel specialized in such activities, provides site coordination services, according to GD 300/2006, concerning the minimum health and safety on temporary and mobile sites, at the highest level of professionalism.

MANAGEMENT FORCE S.R.L., through Management Force Group, introduced in Romania the "MFOR 54 ©" management system - a work management system structured on three levels, which manages the entire assembly of processes and management relations for the entire activity, in order to achieve the highest performance regarding the safety and the health of employees.

As an OSH coordinator, the services offered by MANAGEMENT FORCE S.R.L. consist of:

  • Preparing the General OSH Plan for the final customers, recipients of the work;
  • Preparing the Own OSH Plan for contractors or subcontractors of the work.
  • Establishing general prevention and safety standards for the construction site, containing the rules for OSH required inside the construction site;
  • Coordination of the activities that track the correct applying of work instructions and labor safety;
  • Integration of work permits system, depending on the speciffic conditions of work and on site activities.
  • Cooperation management between the contractors work and coordination of their activities, concerning workers protection, prevention of accidents and occupational hazards that can affect the health of workers;
  • Coordination of the established prevention and security standards implementation; tracking the progress of works and any changes that may have occurred;
  • Interference analysis of site activities innside its area or its vicinity, and checking the compliance of work areas between contractors;
  • Analyzing the security status of construction site along with the contractors and the clients of the work;
  • On site OSH checks and communication to the clients and the contractors representatives of any deficiencies and irregularities observed, regarding the failure of applying regulations governing safety, proposing lines of action, deadlines and responsible personel to remedying them;
  • Verification of the implementation, by the contractors of the work, of the measures taken during and after the checks;
  • Preparing and completing the Coordination Registry, according to applicable Romanian laws;
  • Keeping the file with records of subsequent interventions.
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